Key Steps for Understanding The Mobile App Development Life cycle

Vacnic IT Solution
3 min readJan 8, 2021


You need to know exactly what it takes to execute if you are considering building a mobile app for small to medium business enterprises in India. According to a recent study conducted in the USA, it was reported that 5 out of 10 SMBs have currently built a mobile app, and about that many plans to launch one in 2021.

Discovery, Market Research, and Mobile App Development Tech-stack

Before hiring IOS and Android App Development Services In India, your first step should be a deep dive into research — into your own business and target audience, as well as that of your competitors.

Android App Development Services In India

Establishing Mobile App Goals and Objectives

Establishing mobile app goals and objectives is a crucial step in the planning phase of your mobile app. You need to map out how your app will get you there once you’ve determined an app will advance important objectives in your mobile marketing scheme.

Android and IOS App Development Services In India for determining your app’s features and benefits is a balancing act between your overall app development budget and your in-house capabilities. Research shows that app design should emphasize customer engagement over exclusive services when it comes to prioritizing functionality.

IOS App Development Services In India

Wireframes and Storyboards

At this stage of app development, businesses should have a pretty good idea about what their app will look like and what features they want to include. Businesses should also have developed a scope of work that which pieces of the process will be performed in-house and which will be contracted out.

Defining the Backend of Your Mobile App

The storyboard and wireframes will serve as a guide for the backend structures business will need to support the app- data integration, think APIs, data diagrams, and push notification services. In many cases, businesses finds choosing a mobile backend as a services (BaaS) platform makes sense. It solves common challenges such as lack of in-house talent and scalability.

Finalize Your Wireframe and Test Your Prototype

It’s time to build an interactive prototype once your team has agreed upon the wireframe and storyboard. Prototyping is an important step in the app development process. It provides you an opportunity to really evaluate design concepts. In addition to this, it provides you the opportunity to gather feedback, and identify dead links. It also helps to find out flaws in the flow and usability of your mobile app in India.

Developing the App

your developer from a reliable mobile app development company in India will have to set up the actual storage solutions, databases, APIs, and servers for the backend of your app if you aren’t using an app development platform or mobile BaaS provider. It involves a number of steps and processes.

Test and Test Again

Testing of the mobile app is an exciting time in the app development life cycle. After you have a complete app concept with exciting graphics and perfectly placed text then you can rigorously test your app in a variety of real-world scenarios to sniff out and correct any technical flaws.



Vacnic IT Solution

Vacnic IT Solution is the leading Mobile App & Software Development Company in Delhi NCR, Noida. We also offer digital marketing Services, web development, web